Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The first snow fall of the winter or fall or whatever it is

It really came down on Saturday night. We woke up to a lot of snow on Sunday. I would give a guess as to how much but I'm always wrong so just know that it was a lot. On Sunday afternoon we ended up at Tena and Geralds (Shawn had to get the snow machines on the trailer as there was a near Search & Rescue mission he had to get to). Anyhoo- Hayden and Hadley played outside and had a blast. Here is the fruit of their labor. They are accessorized with Grandma's things. Thanks Grandma for always making your house so much fun.

Here is Hadley posing with her snowgirl. She named her Sadie. (Hayden was mad at his dad for a snow fight that he lost so he wouldn't pose)


Kirst said...

I am glad somebody went out and made snowman. I wanted to. It was the perfect snowman snow. Thanks, from people like me who didn't do their part.

Heather said...

Hadley is so your daughter posing for the camera at every turn. The snowmen were adorable
