Sunday, September 7, 2008

Eastern Idaho Fair

Living in Blackfoot makes the Eastern Idaho Fair a big deal. More people, more cars, and if you work in law enforcement- more trouble. Now fair week is over. It wasn't so bad this year. I can say that because I didn't have to work it!! We went to the parade last Saturday and sat with Shane & Nicole. We rode the rides on Wednesday- actually Shawn, Hayden and Hadley rode the rides. Hallie and I watched. Hadley is only 46 inches tall-just a couple of inches too short to ride most of them. Hayden on the other hand hits 48 inches and only missed out on a couple.

Hadley measuring herself for the slide.


Hayden Won!!

Hallie was so good, she sat in her stroller and watched the kids ride the rides. Here she is at lunch. She is such a happy little girl.

Here is Shawn riding the tilt-a-whirl with Hayden, Hadley and their cousin Carter who we caught up with at the fair.

Here is a crazy ride that both of the kids were able to go on. Hadley went as many times as she could.

Here are the kids, they are in the background. You wouldn't believe how had it is to get a good picture while these rides are going at mach speed with my fragile little ones holding on for dear life.

We went back on Saturday to eat one last time and to let the kids look at the animals. Of course, I forgot the camera this time so had to take pictures with my craptastic cell phone camera. Here are some blurry pictures of the kids with the animals at the petting zoo. Hallie did not like them up close and personal, not one bit. Hadley and Hayden on the other hand LOVED them.

Mighty, mighty preschooler

Hadley started preschool this week. She loved it. She only goes on Tuesdays and Thursdays which happen to be the same days that I go to school. Shawn got her ready for school (yes, even her hair) and I'm so glad that he even remembered to take her pictures. True to Hadley style she made some pretty great poses:
