Friday, April 9, 2010

Just keep swimming

One of my favorite lines from a movie is Dory from Finding Nemo, "Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming". That seems to be my mantra lately. My head is just above water but that's the side that I want it on.

I have been so ridiculously busy and blogging hasn't even been on the list of things to do. 4 weeks left of school WOO HOO!! So here are pictures of some of the happenings the past few months.

Hunter is getting so big.

He is so smiley and really a good baby
He looks a lot like Hayden but I also see my dad in him too
Hayden turned 8 in February, I'm a horrible mom and didn't post anything about it. He was baptized on March 20th. We also blessed Hunter that day. Hayden didn't even mind sharing his special day with his brother. A special little story about his baptism. We had originally planned on doing the baptism/blessing on Hayden's actual b-day. At the beginning of February my dad let us know that he was having neck surgery and would have to be on bed rest for 6 weeks so would not be able to come. When I told Hayden that his grandpa couldn't come he immediately said, "Then I'm not going to do it. I'm not getting baptized without my grandpa. We'll just wait until he can come." Can I tell you how proud I am to be his mother. He truly understands the importance of family. We had so many show up to support us and I am truly thankful for our wonderful family for the love and support given.

Dad & Hayden
Hayden & Hunter in their matching
outfits on their special day
Hadley decided to cut her hair. I have to say that
when I saw the hair fall to the floor after the first
cut it took my breath away but we love it.

She also lost her first tooth!
Here are some pic's from our Easter egg hunt
at Grandma & Grandpa Humpherys

Hallie had a blast this year

Madison & Carter hid the eggs

Here is my amazing Mother-in-law She is a saving grace. I cannot say enough about the woman that she is. She has helped so much during the past few months by feeding my family and helping watch kids etc. She also has the funnest traditions for our family like the easter egg hunt where she fills eggs with $ for the kids. What an amazing example of unconditional love she gives to us all.

Cousin Trae, our little Easter bunny

Shawn & Trae snuggling. This does not usually happen
so I had to get a picture of it

We had to put our sweet, old dog Lloyd down last week. He had cancer and was in pain. It was so hard on our family and we are thankful for the time that we had with him. Lloyd was 11 years old and we all loved him so much.

We went camping at Downata at the end of March. It was cold but a lot of fun. Here are some pictures of the kids. We didn't get the camera out until after Shane & Nicole left so we didn't get any pictures of Nash & Sloane but they were there too.

Hadley in her bed. She loves that silly hat

Shawn and Hallie dancing in our trailer

These are from a baby shower that my friend from work, Jessica, threw for me and another co-worker who is expecting in April. Here is the super cute cake that she made. What talent...

This is Jess holding a game that we played
So I know that I am missing a ton but these are just a few pictures that I got off my camera in a hurry. May cannot get here fast enough. School is done for me on the 6th. Cross your fingers that I can endure to the end.


Mary Lynn Evans said...

Always love your posts! It was so nice to come to Hayden's baptism and Hunter's blessing. Thanks for inviting us! I'm so sorry about Lloyd! It's so hard to lose pets! That's cool you guys went to Downata. We went to Preston to get Gary's pickup on March 31st and I told Gary that would have been fun to go there again. Maybe you guys were there. ;)

Sarah & Kevin said...

Just keep swimming is my mantra too and I only have ONE kid...don't know how you do it with 4 AND go to school! You are amazing! He is adorable by the I need to get my blog updated!

PONCIANO said...

It was so good seeing everyone- thanks for inviting us!! Hunter is so cute I see a lot of Hadley in him. I took my camera but I didnt take one picture:(

Owner said...

You guys sound crazy busy, but so much fun too! I can't believe how big Hunter is, he's so freaking adorable. Are you guys coming to the reunion? Please say yes!

Nicole said...

I love your mantra! You are amazing too! I don't know how you do it all! I just got tired reading your post! :) We are going to miss you guys this summer! :)

Kirst said...

It is so nice to know that other people struggle as much as I do to blog. You are amazing and have a great family. I love to read about them. You are doing a great job and I love ya.
