Monday, October 27, 2008

and the winner is

The annual Humpherys pumpkin carving contest was last night. I filled in a shift at the dispatch center so I had to carve mine early and send it with the kids. For the first time in four years I didn't win. I came in second to Shawn. Linda was third and Tena fourth. I guess that's not bad, huh? At least the title stayed in the Shawn Humpherys family. Shawn and I have taken 1st/2nd for three years now. I'm mostly bummed that I missed the festivities. It is always so fun and the kids look forward to it every year. Here are a few pictures of the pumpkins entered (Taken by cell phone, so not the clearest).

1st place (Shawn's):

2nd place (Hilary's- see my cute epitaph, not part of the pattern, my own design)

3rd place (Linda) - sorry no picture

4th place (Tena's)

Corn maze

We visited the corn maze at Swore farms last weekend. It is just for kids. This is the second year that the H's and I have attended. Heather helped me with the kids and Heidi Graham also came with her kids.

There is a farming question at each intersection with a direction for each answer, if you choose wrong, you get a dead end, choose right and you end up at another question. There were also several kids handing out candy throughout the maze as well.

At the end, they had a activity center and the kids got their face painted, did leave rubs and made bird feeders. It was a fun little trip and one we will try to make every year. I was so proud of myself for remembering my camera but when I got it out, the battery was almost completely dead. The best of intentions (blah, blah, blah)

A huntin we will go....

Shawn took Hayden hunting last week. They went with cousin Barry. Although nothing was slain, they had a great time together. Here are some pictures that Shawn took.
Isn't Star Valley beautiful?

Cutest boy-ever!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The first snow fall of the winter or fall or whatever it is

It really came down on Saturday night. We woke up to a lot of snow on Sunday. I would give a guess as to how much but I'm always wrong so just know that it was a lot. On Sunday afternoon we ended up at Tena and Geralds (Shawn had to get the snow machines on the trailer as there was a near Search & Rescue mission he had to get to). Anyhoo- Hayden and Hadley played outside and had a blast. Here is the fruit of their labor. They are accessorized with Grandma's things. Thanks Grandma for always making your house so much fun.

Here is Hadley posing with her snowgirl. She named her Sadie. (Hayden was mad at his dad for a snow fight that he lost so he wouldn't pose)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

While blog stalking on Laurie's blog I ran across this survey. I thought it was funny. There is a link at the bottom of this page. See where you belong, I obviously belong in the 9th grade.

You Belong in 1993

With you anything goes! You're grunge one day, ghetto fabulous the next. It's all good!

Hayden I love you too

Hayden loves to leave us "presents". He draws pictures and leaves them all over for us. He usually tapes them to the front door for Shawn to get when he comes home from work. Or he will leave them on the stove so I will get it when I go to cook a meal. The other night when I went to get in to bed, I found these presents.

(Elf anyone?) His spelling gets better and better each day. I love being Hayden's mother and I know that Shawn loves being his father. We are so blessed with our wonderful children. While it isn't always easy, I wouldn't have my life be any other way.


The Graham kids were at our house several times this week. My children have so much fun with them. Here are a couple of pictures I caught of them playing:

Star Wars is a huge part of my house. Here is Jay (Darth Vader) and Hayden (Anakin)- they are the same person just at different stages in his life.

Hadley cannot be left out. She decided that she was Padme. (look behind the chair and you can see where Hadley peeled the paint in our front room. She is so my child I love to peel too. I just wish it wasn't something that I have to fix now)

Hallie and Kaitlyn are still deciding that they like each other but they want to do whatever the other is doing. Here they playing on the piano bench.

I somehow erased the pictures of Sarah and Hadley dressed up as princesses, so I'll have to get some more to post later.

Fall fun

I took the kids to the park the other day and we had a blast. I love making these memories with them. I remember how much I loved to swing at Ross Park when I was small. Hallie may have me beat. She was in that swing for probably 30 minutes when I finally had to pry her out of it. Hayden was such a good sport he pushed his baby sister as long as his 6 yr old attention span allowed. Hadley had fun playing on the bar where the old teeter toter's (sp?) were. Hadley can make a toy out of anything.

All time caller!

I am amazed that it is already October. September is always a busy month for me. It is Shawn's hunting month. He takes almost the entire month of work to pursue this passion. This year I lucked out. The very first day that he left he harvested. Yes that's hunting lingo for made his kill. Much to my suprise he sent me a text that very night that he was now all time caller. I should, after 10 years, have known what that meant but had to ask. Here is a picture of the poor elk that crossed his path.

Shawn still went up several times with his brother but it was not a 2 week abscense as it usally is. Thanks to Heather who is always there to help fill in the gaps so that I didn't have to stress about a sitter while in school, clinicals etc.
