Monday, June 30, 2008

Humpherys Family Reunion 2008

We attended the Humpherys Family reunion this past weekend at Heise Camping ground. I really was not looking forward to the reunion this year (no offense Mary Lynn). We have been so busy and out of town for the last few weekends I kind of just wanted to get some things done around the house. I am so glad that we didn't miss it though. Every year I am amazed at what a wonderful family that we are a part of. Everyone is so nice and fun to be around. I have never felt anything but welcome around the Humpherys. Gerald and Tena were not able to attend as they are busy with a new business. Shane, Nicole and Nash are in Boston (we miss you guys) and Linda was just finishing up with girls camp for her ward, so we represented the Gerald Humpherys family on Friday night. On Saturday after breakfast we all went swimming, it was a lot of fun, the kids loved the slide there (a big green hydrotube). Hallie hates the water. After fighting with her for an hour crying in the pool we took her out and let her play on the grass. This she loved. Here are some pictures of her in her swimsuit eating licorice. Notice her black eye, she fell down and hit her head on the door jam. Shawn told everyone that I back handed her (not true):

Shawn got to do a little fishing (very little-poor guy) and I got to visit to my hearts content. Linda, Carter, Madison +2 friends got there around noon. We had a really nice lunch and then there was a pie eating contest. I don't know if I should be proud or embarrassed that my husband won. He ate the pie in about 30 seconds. It was hilarious. Here is the video of the contest.

and the aftermath (isn't he dead sexy):

This is Hadley filling up water balloons with her cousins Mercy, Ian and Porter (hope I spelled them all right).

The kids were so sad to leave on Sunday because they had so much fun playing with their cousins. It is so great that even if we only see one another once a year they are all buddies by the end of the visit.


Mary Lynn Evans said...

Don't worry Hilary, I wasn't really looking forward to it either since Dad basically put me in charge at the last minute and made me plan everything on short notice. It would have been nicer to know so I could have had more time and felt like things went better, but oh well. That's life I guess. It turned out I hope ... and hopefully everyone really did have fun.

Kirst said...

Yuck. I think I lost my appetite.
