Monday, June 30, 2008

Quick trip to Targhee

While packing our camp, I had the bright idea to park the camp trailer and go visit Grandma & Grandpa Humpherys up at Grand Targhee. We stopped at a house on antelope flats and Shawn asked them if we could leave the trailer there for the afternoon and then we drove up to Driggs. It was a lot of fun. Hadley misses Sheila (she says its HER horse) and just wanted to ride her the whole time. She even just sat on her while she was eating between rides.

Hallie had so much fun playing in and on the deck of the cabin. She likes to take things and put them in another spot ie: pens, nails etc.

She also took a little/reluctanat ride on Sheila with Dad.

Hadley also took a ride on Reba the horse (Hayden's according to him).

Hayden was more interested in the 4 wheeler again, here he is helping Grandpa feed again.

Grandma was going home as well so the older kids wanted to ride with her. It was a nice drive home with the fighting kids with her. Actually they fell asleep in Swan Valley so she too had a pleasant drive. It was an all around great weekend. Once again, thankful for a wonderful family, the safety we had during our travels and the opportunities we have to see the beauty of the area we live in.

